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Hobbywing XeRun V10 G3 5.0T Motor - Black
First-rate Linearity
The built-in high precision Hall sensor combined with the high precision
and balanced rotor will guarantee remarkable linearity of the motor.
Super Lightweight
The G3 Modified & Stock motors only weigh 161g and 132g
respectively; the weights are reduced by about 11% & 21%
when comparing with the V10 G2 motor. With the light weights,
drivers can easily adjust the balance of their vehicles.
Asymmetric Bearings
By comparison (with the V10 G2 motor), for improving
the load-carrying capacity, the size of the front
bearing of the G3 motor is increased by 26% ; while
for lower resistance, the size of the rear bearing is
reduced by 6%. The asymmetric bearings design will
make the motor running more stable and smooth.
Great Heat Dissipation
The special shell design which makes the stator core (/laminations) expose to
the air will maximize cooling, the big holes(*) on the front & rear end plates will
guarantee outstanding heat dissipation of the motor.
(*Note: the 5.5T~8.5T motors are mainly adopted by off-road vehicles,
so the tactory detault end plates for those motors are the ones with small holes.)
Stepless Adjustable Mechanical Timing
The mechanical timing can be adjusted finely and smoothly; the skid-proof lines
at the rear end of the motor will guarantee stability of the timing after adjustment.
Re-buildable Structure
The detachable structure design for regular cleaning & maintenance will
effectively prolong the service life of the motor and retain its efficiency.
Two Different End Plates
The end plates with big holes adopted by the 3.5T~5.0T & 10.5T~21.5T motors will
guarantee excellent heat dissipation of the motor for on-road applications.
The end plates with small holes used by the 5.5T~8.5T motors will effectively prevent sand
or dirt from getting inside and damaging the motor for off-road applications.
Users can purchase and mount the end plates with big or small holes as per actual needs.
High-quality Components
The use of high-performance stator core (/laminations),
heat(200℃)-resistant pure copper wire, heat(200℃)-resistant
rotor with strong structure, international top brand high-precision
and high strength bearings, and copper solder tabs with super current
endurance will guarantee excellent performance and great
RPM Significantly Improved (for Stock Spec)
The G3 Stock Spec motor has its torque and KV rating improved by 4% and 16%
respectively, compared with the V10 G2 Stock Spec motor. The high torque & RPM
definitely will make this unit a “secret weapon” for the Stock class racing.
Product Specs
Chassis Type | n/a |
Chassis Scale | n/a |
Chassis Package | n/a |
Chassis Level | n/a |
Battery Type | n/a |
Battery C-Rate | n/a |
Battery Case | n/a |
Battery Cells | n/a |
Battery Capacity in mAh | n/a |
Battery Connector | n/a |
Battery Weight in G | n/a |
Battery Size | n/a |
Electronic Speed Controller
Electronic Speed Controller
ESC Level | n/a |
ESC Current | n/a |
ESC Cell Capacity | n/a |
ESC Wires | n/a |
ESC Motortype | n/a |
ESC Turnlimit in T | n/a |
ESC Sensortype | n/a |
Motor Level | n/a |
Motor Sensor Type | n/a |
Motor KV | n/a |
Motor Type | n/a |
Radio System
Radio System
Radio Level | n/a |
Radio Battery | n/a |
Radio Battery included | n/a |
Radio Receiver included | n/a |
Radio Weight in G | n/a |
Radio Model Memory | n/a |
Servo Case Type | n/a |
Servo Case Material | n/a |
Servo Gear Material | n/a |
Servo Connector | n/a |
Servo Gear Type | n/a |
Servo max. Current | n/a |
Servo max. Power | n/a |
Servo max. Speed | n/a |
Servo Weight in G | n/a |
Servo Wire Length | n/a |
Charger max. Current in A | n/a |
Charger Input Voltage DC | n/a |
Charger Input Connection | n/a |
Charger Storage Mode | n/a |
Charger Cell Support | n/a |
Charger Battery Type | n/a |
Tire Spec
Tire Spec
Tire Usage | n/a |
Tire Car Type | n/a |
CHF 89.00
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