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Futaba four-channel computer steering wheel RC kit using T-FHSS SR 2.4GHz transmission system with super fast response for competition and advanced recreational car and boat models. The transmitter can also be switched to transmission modes with T-FHSS telemetry or without S-FHSS telemetry and thus use the entire range of T-FHSS and S-FHSS receivers for RC cars and boats. With the R334SBS-E T-FHSS SR/T-FHSS receiver included in the kit, you have 4 PWM channels for classic servos and the possibility of transmitting telemetry from sensors connected to the S.BUS2 socket. It also allows the connection of the FS-RM005 transmitter module to control Kyosho Mini-Z Evo models.
The T4PM plus transmitter in a classic steering wheel design with a handle that fits perfectly in the hand is equipped with a steering wheel control, a throttle trigger, two push button switches, one rotary control and five digital trims (3 around the steering wheel, 2 on the handle). Three buttons and a multifunctional joystick are used for programming; easy orientation in the intuitive menu is provided by the large backlit LCD display. T4PM has memory for 40 models and a wide range of advanced programming functions for regular and special car models - e.g. independent control and drive (with 2 controllers) of front and rear wheels for crawlers, dual-circuit brakes for large 1:5 models, gyro for drifting, ABS, traction control, mix for tanks, etc.
To put the transmitter into operation, you will need 3 AA alkaline batteries or NiMH accumulators stored in the holder supplied with the transmitter or 4-5 cell NiMH or 2S LiFe battery pack.
Transmission System T-FHSS SR:
The super fast response transmission system (servo signal period 2.45ms or 408Hz repetition rate) allows you to use exclusively the special Futaba SR digital servos with extremely fast response on channels selected on the transmitter for which SR mode is enabled. In the other channels, where the SR mode is not switched on, it is possible to use ordinary digital servos and speed controllers. Analog servos CANNOT be used. Does not allow transmission of telemetry.
T-FHSS Transmission System: Normal/High Speed Mode:
This transmission system enables transmission of telemetry data from sensors connected to the S.BUS2 socket on the receiver. The "Normal" mode allows the use of any servos (analog and digital) or RC devices, given that the repetition period of the servo signals is 15 ms (66.7 Hz repetition rate). "High Speed" mode can only use digital servos and most other devices such as speed controllers for AC motors. The repetition period of the servo signals is 3.3 ms (repetition frequency 303 Hz). ATTENTION: The transmitter is not compatible with T-FHSS Air system receivers for flying models.
S-FHSS Transmission System: Normal/High Speed Mode:
The "Normal" mode allows the use of any servos or RC devices, given that the repetition period of the servo signals is 13.6 ms (73.5 Hz repetition rate). "High Speed" mode can only be used by digital servos, including the BLS series and most other devices such as speed controllers for AC motors. The repetition period of the servo signals is 6.8 ms (repetition frequency 147 Hz).
- T-FHSS SR transmission system (without telemetry), T-FHSS-2.4GH with telemetry, S-FHSS (without telemetry) and two systems for Kyosho Mini-Z RC cars - MiniZ for Futaba RA-42 and MiniZ/FHSS receivers ( requires transmitter module FS-RM005) directly for Mini-Z EVO.
- 4 proportional channels
- Steering wheel control with adjustable neutralization
- Throttle trigger with adjustable range of motion neutralization for brake/reverse function
- 2 pushbutton switches (assignable)
- 1 rotary control (assignable)
- 5 digital trims (assignable)
Program Features:
- Memory for 40 models with the possibility of copying, resetting and setting the model name of 10 characters
- Choice of transmission system: T-FHSS SR, T-FHSS, S-FHSS (Normal or High Speed modes)
- Setting the size of deviations for all channels
- Reversing the direction of deviations for all channels
- Subtrims for all channels
- Exponential course of deviations for steering and throttle
- Speed servos for steering and throttle
- Dual steering deflections
- Jump acceleration
- Safe idle
- Throttle/brake control modes
- Traction control
- Controller assignments for channels 3 and 4
- Fail safe emergency deflections for all channels
- Setting S.BUS serv
- Remote control of the program functions of Futaba speed controllers
- Assignment of trim functions
- Assignment of switch functions
- Mix for steering with 2 servos
- Mix for front/rear brakes with 2 servos
- Gyro control mix
- 4WS mix for independent front and rear axle control for crawlers
- Mix for drive system with 2 speed controllers
- CPS mix for controlling LED lights
- Mix for tanks - for controlling the movement of tracked vehicles
- 2 freely programmable mixes
- 3 timers (stopwatch, timer, lap time with memory of 100 laps)
- Telemetry display
- Setting telemetry sensors
Compatible Receivers:
- Futaba R202GF S-FHSS/FHSS-2.4GHz (2-channel only)
- Futaba R203GF S-FHSS/FHSS-2.4GHz (3-channel)
- Futaba R204GF-E S-FHSS/FHSS-2.4GHz (4-channel, only for models with electric drive)
- Futaba R2104GF S-FHSS/FHSS-2.4GHz (4-channel, 4.8-6.0V power supply, not for HV servos)
- Futaba R304SB T-FHSS-2.4GHz with telemetry on the S.BUS2 bus (4-channel)
- Futaba R304SB-E T-FHSS-2.4GHz with telemetry on the S.BUS2 bus (4-channel, only for models with electric drive)
- Futaba R334SBS T-FHSS SR/T-FHSS 2.4GHz with telemetry on the S.BUS2 bus (4-channel)
- Futaba R334SBS-E T-FHSS SR/T-FHSS 2.4GHz with telemetry on S.BUS2 bus (4-channel, only for models with electric drive)
- Futaba T4PM Plus 2.4GHz transmitter
- Receiver R334SBS-E
- Plastic screwdriver
- 2 Allen handles
- Operating Instructions
Product Specs
Chassis Type | n/a |
Chassis Scale | n/a |
Chassis Package | n/a |
Chassis Level | n/a |
Battery Type | n/a |
Battery C-Rate | n/a |
Battery Case | n/a |
Battery Cells | n/a |
Battery Capacity in mAh | n/a |
Battery Connector | n/a |
Battery Weight in G | n/a |
Battery Size | n/a |
Electronic Speed Controller
Electronic Speed Controller
ESC Level | n/a |
ESC Current | n/a |
ESC Cell Capacity | n/a |
ESC Wires | n/a |
ESC Motortype | n/a |
ESC Turnlimit in T | n/a |
ESC Sensortype | n/a |
Motor Level | n/a |
Motor Sensor Type | n/a |
Motor KV | n/a |
Motor Type | n/a |
Radio System
Radio System
Radio Level | n/a |
Radio Battery | n/a |
Radio Battery included | n/a |
Radio Receiver included | n/a |
Radio Weight in G | n/a |
Radio Model Memory | n/a |
Servo Case Type | n/a |
Servo Case Material | n/a |
Servo Gear Material | n/a |
Servo Connector | n/a |
Servo Gear Type | n/a |
Servo max. Current | n/a |
Servo max. Power | n/a |
Servo max. Speed | n/a |
Servo Weight in G | n/a |
Servo Wire Length | n/a |
Charger max. Current in A | n/a |
Charger Input Voltage DC | n/a |
Charger Input Connection | n/a |
Charger Storage Mode | n/a |
Charger Cell Support | n/a |
Charger Battery Type | n/a |
Tire Spec
Tire Spec
Tire Usage | n/a |
Tire Car Type | n/a |
CHF 269.90
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